Conference Organisers:
Dr. Elizabeth Barrett (UCD) and Dr. Melissa Dickson (Oxford)
Keynote Speakers:
Prof. James V. Lucey (TCD),
Prof. Fergus Shanahan (UCC) and
Prof. Sally Shuttleworth (Oxford).
This one-day programme of talks and workshops seeks to explore productive interactions between literature and mental health both historically and in the present day. It aims to identify the roles that writing and narrative can play in medical education, patient and self-care, and/or professional development schemes.
Bringing together psychologists, psychiatrists, interdisciplinary professionals, GPs, service users, and historians of literature and medicine, we will be asking questions about literature as a point of therapeutic engagement. We will explore methods that can be used to increase the well-being and communication skills of healthcare providers, patients and family members.
Conference Coordinator:
Victoria Sewell (UCD)
Book here with UCD
Event Schedule
9.30 Arrival and Registration
10.00am–10.45 Introduction and Keynote Address:
‘Listening to patients, telling their stories’. Professor James V. Lucey, Trinity College Dublin.
10.45–11.00 Coffee break
11.00am –12.30 Workshops
Workshop A: Children’s Books Ireland and the Book Doctor Project.
Workshop B: Poetry of Disquiet: Professor Femi Oyebode, University of Birmingham.
Workshop C: Lived Experiences- Memoirs, meaning and mental illness.: With the RE:FOCUS group led by Dr Anne Jeffers, College of Psychiatry of Ireland.
12.30–13.30 Lunch at Brambles Café
13.30–14.15 Keynote Address: ‘Mining Medicine from Literature’.
Professor Fergus Shanahan, University College Cork.
14.50 –15.40 Workshops
Workshop D: Bibliotherapy: The Power of Words Project and the HEAL Project: Health Education and Literacy for our Community,
Workshop E: Diseases of Modern Life: Nineteenth-Century Perspectives on stress and overwork: Dr. Melissa Dickson and Researchers from the ERC-funded Diseases of Modern Life
Workshop F: The Shared Experiences of Clinicians: Led by Dr. Elizabeth Barrett, Associate Professor, UCD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Ms. Caroline Ward, UCD Student Counselling Service, Dr. Niamh Geaney, GP and writer, University of Limerick.
15.40pm Coffee break
16.00 –16.45 Keynote Address:
‘Literary Texts and Medical Case Studies’. Professor Sally Shuttleworth, University of Oxford.
16.45 Feedback Q&A and Closing Remarks