The Constructing Scientific Communities project is holding two events in November as part of Being Human: A Festival of the Humanities.
Don't Panic! Promises and Threats of Science and Technology is being held at the Museum of the History of Science, Broad Street, Oxford on Thursday 17 November from 7-10.30 p.m. This interactive and entertaining event will explore hopes and fears about science and technology through film, academic interpretations, discussions and performances by actors from the Pegasus Theatre. Come and see the eruption of Krakatoa, Dorothy Hodgkin's work on penicillin, explore issues on climate change from personal and political perspectives and more. The event is free, but booking is required. To book your free ticket, please click here.
Science and the Victorian Public is being held at the Attenborough Arts Centre, University of Leicester, Lancaster Road, LE1 7HA on Friday 18 November from 1.30 - 2.30 p.m. This event, part of Literary Leicester 2016, will recreate a magic lantern show, which was hugely popular in the nineteenth century and the ancestor of the modern cinema projector. Historical actors will present a Victorian science lecture with magic lantern slides on subjects including dinosaurs and geology. After the talk and show, members of the audience are welcome to have a closer look at the magic lantern and ask questions of the presenters. This event is free, and no booking is required.
Being Human is led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. For full details of all of the Being Human events taking place nationwide, please visit the Festival website.